The 3505 Welting Machine

The welting machine has found an important niche in the market. It is able to fold and notch both leather and plastic products using a hot-melt cement. It can also trim unfinished edges off of the ribbon. You can also adjust both the cement pot and point temperatures independently depending on how you wish to operate. Also, as with many of our other machines, the speed is variable to allow you to work at your own pace. You can even have the machine work by itself. Simply place it in the AUTO mode, step on the pedal once, and watch it go the entire roll without stopping. Imagine it being that simple...

The 3505 Welting Machine is a thermo cementer, which has been designed for the use of many different materials to be used as piping. The 3505 will be just as happy making leather piping, as it would be making vinyl piping. As the piping and cord are passed through the machine, the excess is automatically trimmed, and the edges are automatically notched for flexibility. The max depth of the notches is 7 mm. The speed of the material feed is variable as well.


Head Only
Head and stand
Weight         X   Kg. Weight        93   Kg.
Height          X  Cm. Height         142 Cm.
Width           X  Cm. Width          72   Cm.
Depth           X  Cm. Depth          68   Cm.
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