The 997 Linear Belt Dyeing Machine

The 997 is a newly redesigned belt dyeing machine with a revolutionary working system. Featuring a horizontally positioned working table, this machine allows considerable physical energy savings with a significant increase in productivity. It is suitable to dye belts and folded edges for luggage and leather goods in general (width from 10 mm to 60mm) and also allows pre-dyeing of the belt tip. It is fitted with photocell that allows to proceed material rapidly. The machine can be supplied with or without a stand.

997 TR 1

This model is an ordinary 997 with the addition of a double transport system, upper and lower. This permits the ability to dye short and small pieces as well as non-rigid items.


Head Only
Head + Drier and stand
Weight         36  Kg. Weight        240   Kg.
Height          33  Cm. Height         120 Cm.
Width           45  Cm. Width          45   Cm.
Depth           54  Cm. Depth          264   Cm.
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